Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Power of a Smile

I love to smile. Everyday I try to smile on the path to a random stranger. Weird? Maybe, but everyone appreciates a smile even when they're stuck wondering if we've met, even though we never had. I started doing this one day after hearing a pretty sad story. It was the story of a man who left his home, walked to a bridge, and committed suicide, but he had left a note on his desk reading, "If anyone smiles at me on the way from my house to this bridge, I will not jump." A smile is a truly beautiful and powerful action. Will you smile at someone today? :)


  1. I love this post! I'm also one of those people that smiles at random people. I feel like if you happen to look at each other, why not just be friendly?

  2. ミレーシさん〜〜! こんにちは〜! わたし は ジェス です! にほんご の チャット クルブ に あいました〜

    ... I have no idea if I wrote that correctly, but anyway. 'Allo~! This is really a great way to interact with people. In Hawaii, I'm so used to people smiling each other that it's odd for me to not smile at people here in New York.


    - Jess (aka ducky)

  3. wow, I finally got to read this post and it's so beautiful!
    But I still wanna discuss drama with you:p because I think if I post a comment under yours, you'll probably not see it;(
    Anyway, I love Boys Over Flowers!I've watched the Taiwanese version, Japanese version and the Korean version. Actually the Taiwanese version was very, very popular in mainland China and the 4 actors rose to fame almost overnight! You should definitely check it out, haha.

  4. What a wonderful post - you are a rare breed on this planet, especially since we are in New York City and generally people are too busy to care about others. I used to be the smiling-optimistic type but after a while I got too discouraged by people's unresponsiveness :/ So I became not as smiley but I still try :) This post is encouraging!

  5. I agree -- this is quite lovely. Just as music (and most art, I think) can transcend language barriers (and New York City unfriendliness), smiling does much of the same thing. On my flight to Taiwan this past summer, I sat next to a woman (from Japan, coincidentally), and since we spoke none of the same languages, we resorted to lots of hand gestures and (of course) smiling in order to communicate. It's amazing how much smiling can "say."

    In terms of Chinese music...there's so much that I like that it's hard to narrow it down to a favorite song/band. But, here's the link to a song by one of my newest Taiwanese pop obsessions. It's a song called 不按牌理出牌 (which, in a loose translation, refers to getting something good in an unexpected way), and it's by the band Magic Power. It's also the theme song of a very entertaining Taiwanese TV drama from this past summer called "Drunken to Love You" (醉後決定愛上你).


  6. どうも。 はじめまして。 のおとるだむだいがくの がくえいです。
    おれの せんこうわ こうがくです。 Actually, people from my major were in Manhattan a few weeks ago, and were supposed to visit Columbia. But there was a delay so we couldn’t go.
    Just want to say that is a very depressing story. I hope your smile saves someone’s live someday.
